WOW! This is a nice gift from Vanessa at
Sew Filled to the Brim. She is a new sewer and is just beating the pants off of me with her amazing skills. Go and visit her blog and see the really cute stuff she is making.
So now I have to share 10 things about myself with you. You are going to love this!
1) I am a certified cradle robber (old term for the now nasty sounding "Cougar") My husband was 24 when I met him and I was 30.
2) I hate texting, Twitter, Facebook, etc. Texting just seems like a waste of time--got something to say--say it. If I have to text it we all be gray headed and toothless before I finish. Never seen Twitter, only made a Facebook log in because of a request to "Friend" a friend.
3) I hate "putting a dress on words". Why is it if a guy speaks plainly it is ok but women must soft peddle it? Watch the communication style in your work place and you'll see what I mean. The guy will say "Do it" and it gets done, the woman has to explain why she wants it done and ask if someone would do. Don't worry I have studied communications and can put the dress on words but it does not mean I like it.
4) I made some really sturdy lawn furniture several years ago. Bought a table saw and some lumber, a book and voila! The stuff lasted about 10 years and one chair may still be in use at the old house--I left it for the new owners.
5) My mother drives me nuts! The older she gets the worse it is. Everything is a conspiracy. You might think this is due to her getting old but she has ALWAYS been like this. I call her a "Southern Belle/Prima Donna" with psychotic tendencies. But only SBPM to her face which she will usually admit to anyway. High Drama Mama!
6) I am like no one in my family, don't look like them, don't have the same beliefs or values. I, like many others I am sure, always thought there was a good chance there was a switch at the hospital. Mother blew that for me when she said there was only one other baby born at the hospital that day and it was Spanish decent. Damn!
7) I bake an awesome Carrot Cake! My husband and my best friend both love it. It is THE requested cake from those who have tried it.
8) We do the tradition turkey at Thanksgiving but try to mix it up at Xmas. We have been doing a roast beef with cream horseradish sauce, blue cheese Yorkshire puddings, carrots (from our own garden last year) and other goodies. I think we will probably change it up this year though.
9) I used to make fun of people that took there dogs everywhere, talked about their dogs like children, etc. Now I am those people and I am sure someone is making fun of me out there too. I don't take them everywhere with me, after all they weigh over 70 pounds each. But I do love my doggies!
10) I need to lose 15 pounds. I love to eat/cook and hate to exercise. Does anybody see a problem here?
Now I have to pass the beautiful blogger award on to five others:
Jana at
She is still in high school but again this is someone just kicking my butt at sewing.
Kim at
Very talented and a dog lover too. She has a great fall table decoration (that I am going to copy), also she has great talent in all things home decor.
Jennifer at
She just revamped her blog and she is also one of the best read people I know. And I thought I read alot until I checked out her Goodreads page. I've got a lot of classic reads to do before I can compete with her for "best read".
HiddenEloise at
I bought pocket mirrors from her Etsy shop last year for Xmas presents. She has the most beautiful artwork and it arrives at your home so beautifully packaged too. Very talented lady!
Kathy at
Another dog lover/seamstress. Another person who is very talented with her sewing skills too.
So you now have a few tidbits about me. Maybe you found a bit of yourself in one of those comments too :)