TGIF and yes plans for the week went pretty much as they should.
Dog #1 has STAPH! The surgeon called today with the test results and said she can continue with the current antibiotics for 3 weeks. I hope that all goes well with this medication and so far so good. She gets yogurt with the food and no upset tummy as of yet. Also she seems to feel fine except for having to wear the plastic cone head.
Sewing news! Oh! This might just turn out as something pretty and hopefully wearable. No photos yet but the project was going so well I decide to line it, add red piping at the neckline and red bias tape to the sleeve facing area. This is on a grey and white cotton and is lined is grey broadcloth. I did not notice the zipper in the side until already committed to the project. I guess that is one way to make me learn to install a zipper.
Esty Shop! So I need money to pay for these darn vet bills. We are on the third surgery now and medications for the seeable future. And Mama does not have a job (at the college where they should have hired her a long time ago. Just sayin :)
So I am putting my estate sale purchases on Esty in Mama Jewel's Vintage Shop---er. . . something like that. The link is
So if you know anyone interested in vintage items like hats, scarfs, or patterns, send them my way. Dog #1, the Honey and I thank you! I probably will not get everything posted today but check back next week for the patterns.
Fabric--I promised earlier in the week to post photos of my latest fabric purchases. So let's get to it.
Cotton Gauze
Right to left
Poly, Linen/blend, cotton gauze
UGLY Paisley Jacket
Ok, it was an easy pattern to make but I look really frumpy in it. The pattern called for 3 buttons and I think it needs more but why bother. What the heck was I thinking when I picked out this fabric? Ugly, ugly, ugly, that is what I am thinking now.
Current Project-take a look at the measurements on these two pattern pieces. They printed the measurements backward . This means the waist measurements or stated waist measurements are actually the hip measurements and vis-a-versa.

See what I mean.
One more thing. . . Thank you for viewing my blog. I have to say it feels a lot different having a few followers than not. I feel like I am visiting with you guys out here in cyberland and it makes a diiference. Thanks again!