Friday, June 11, 2010

Blog, blog, blog

I really should have made this a cooking blog, then I would have had more successes to report. On a positive note I did wear my new grey dress to a  meeting this week.  No one laughed so I guess that is a relatively good sign.

No photos for you but I did cut out a top, yet again, wrong fabric/wrong pattern.  I figured that out when pinning the first two pieces together.  No need for further time investment on that dud.  Then this week I started a dress.  Good pattern (so it seems, but it could turn on me at any minute) but wrong darn fabric again!  So today I will start with that same pattern, new fabric and see how it goes.  I'll have to make a trip to Hobby Lobby for a lining material this morning. The dress fabric I plan to use is a linen blend, that should work--I think.

Butterick 5450 is the dress pattern I am using.  My fabric mistake was a woven mildly stretchy poly something.  But it will not hold a crease, the pleats bag open regardless of what I do, and this baby ravels faster that a speeding bullet.  Since I only assembled the top portion I still have the skirt material. The lining material was kinda likeable.  Almost a whisper of fabric but every pin hole seems to be permanent and it too ravels like crazy.

While I have not been able to do much towards sewing we have been gardening.  Three new crepe myrtle trees planted in a new island bed.  This was a ton of work but we had help from our really great neighbor.  Even so, the Honey ended up getting x-rays this week due to back pain so bad he missed work for 3 days.  Totally unlike him to miss work too.

1 comment:

  1. I really like the Butterick 5450 pattern you are working on! It's a cute dress! I hope everything works out with sewing it together. I know the frustration of pleats, but they will look great when you get it all worked out! Hope the hubby is feeling better.


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