On to part three of the thrifty adventures and then after I finish my coffee I'll explain the emergency room visit.
Ok you know your going to need one of these for one reason or another this time of year. So get it on the cheap, cheap, cheap! That is $1.21 for this large tray.
Just some of the bargain books I bought along with 2 Cd's and some 2011 calendars. Don't recall the book prices for sure but think $2.00 each, calendars 50 cents each and CD's $1 each. The Hanson CD is a gag Christmas gift unless I listen to it and decide I love it. But you know gifting it to a macho guy might be fun.
Of course you see Outliers up there too. Maybe you recognize it from
Ten Thousand Hours of Sewing
Victoria has this listed as the inspiration for her blog so while most of the books are going to my mother I'll have to read this one myself first. Just in case Victoria is on the meaning of life or something.
Bold and gold I figure either it will hold a candle if I am lazy or I might make a tall skinny topiary if ambitious.
This angel is very pretty and she is plastic but I think she will serve her purpose nicely. I think she was only $2.35.
This is a reproduction vintage Santa and he is perfect and was perfectly cheap. I think he has an elegant look to him and will fit in better with my Christmas decor better than the bright red and green stuff. My Christmas decor is a bit nontraditional but you'll see for yourself in a few weeks.
89 cents for the sassy lady cards and 50 cents for the other box of cards
This wall hanging looks like something that was purchased at one of those museum stores. I think she will work in nicely with the Christmas decor. She is quite lovely.
This home decor fabric from a large bag of fabric I bought for $2.52. I don't normally like the animal prints for my own home but fell in love with this piece.

Soft home decor fabric in a green
On the left a heavy piece of canvas type decor fabric
and to the right some felt squares and craft fabric.
This might be my tablecloth for Thanksgiving. I grabbed it up at the SPCA Thrift Store for $8 before it ever hit the shelves. It is long enough to fit my table when I add the leaves and if I set up for a buffet then this is probably what I will use. I think it has a vintage look to it and it was in perfect condition.
I think that is it for the photos today. Later I will post the photos of the mantel decor and some of Honey's paintings. I think you guys will like the paintings. Last year that was the major Christmas gift to those on our short list.
Now for the emergency room visit: Last night we had to take Dog #1 to the emergency clinic an hour away. She had started holding up the leg from the February surgery and May staph infection saga late Thursday. First thing Friday morning I called the surgeon's office and was told to curtail her activities for the weekend and if not better by Monday call again. I said "You are aware that she had staph infection in this leg this summer?" The nurse said yes but I was wondering if she talked this advice over with our surgeon or this is what she decided. Either way I was not happy about it but I went with it.
Bad decision on my part as we all can see. At 9:15 I gave Dog #1 some pain meds and at 11:40 decided we had to make the trip to the clinic. They are keeping her at this point and running tests to see if the staph is back--I think I can say that I believe it is. Her temperature was over 104 degrees last night! She is getting morphine for pain, antibiotics, x-rays, blood tests,IV fluids, etc. And last night Mama received yet another Christmas present of vet bills--this is my third year of this. Bah, Hum bug! One of these years I want a real Christmas present like everyone gets--waaaa--cry like a baby! (The deposit on the bill was $800!)
But I adore my baby--all 76 pounds of her :)